Every writer has known that moment of frustration - you’re facing the blank page, you have a good idea - you know it’s marketable, you know you can pitch it, but something is missing. You can’t work up enthusiasm for it, you can’t focus your mind in the right way to approach it. As good as the idea is, as much as others have responded enthusiastically to your idea for it, you can’t get there. Something is missing. For most, when we’re honest with ourselves, and really dig for that elusive thing, it comes down to simply not feeling all that important. You know it’s good, has potential, but you’re just having trouble caring.
Students facing assignments and journalists facing assignments face this frequently, and perhaps more surprising, so do freelance and independent writers. If you are at a loss what to do when that “something missing” haunts you, then this writing is for you, and, in the end, it might actually help you find a way to write that idea that you had, or to decide to let others take on that subject, while you change direction. To begin, you have three decisions to make - in reverse order of importance.
Decision #3: Who am I writing for? How you approach this one may - may - vary depending on whether you’re writing fiction or nonfiction. I write both, and my answer is the same either way, but, for others, it makes a difference. There is a story (very possibly apocryphal) that John Steinbeck used to, at the beginning of writing each of his books, put a one-sentence statement on the wall above his writing desk. That one sentence described how he wanted the reader to think, and what he wanted the reader to feel at the end of each book. Writing teachers love it, and refer to it as “The Steinbeck Statement” when they are trying to instruct their students on ways to focus their essays. It’s a nice tool, but for it really to work, you have to know who that reader IS. This is something only you can decide. Who is your audience? People who believe just as you do? The young? Parents? The next generation or the previous one? People whose minds you’d like to change? Many are helped by sitting down and creating “the ideal reader” - a mental picture of the person you would want to read your work, so that you can focus on how the writing you do may impact them. It’s harder than it sounds - the first impulse is to describe a person much like yourself, and that is a perfectly valid audience, but if you hope to be widely read, or to change people, consider more who is it who needs to hear what you have to say? It’s easier to focus on the ones who will approve of you, but those who need what you are offering are a much stronger motivator when you’re faced with that blank page.
Decision #2: Why am I writing? It seems simple, but if you really explore your motivations, it is often not quite so straight-forward. For some of you, if you’re fortunate to actually have a job writing, you may think you don’t need to answer this - you’re making a living, but I urge you to consider it anyway. Most of us - the vast majority of writers - do not make a living at it. Many wish that they could (I’m not one of those), many strive for it (not one of those, either), and others just do it because they feel compelled. So, think about this: are you writing because you want to make your living at it, or because you feel driven to communicate what you see about the world to others, or both at the same time? I never thought that I could become a best-selling writer, and so I never tried. I just thought that I might from time to time get lucky and have something “hit” in some small way, and the resulting windfall cash would be helpful - and, from time to time, it’s happened exactly that way. Others strive from day one for that “big hit” and therefore never get to appreciate the smaller victories they have along the way. I write for the love of three very simple things: the love of words, the love of stories, and the unmatched joy of that moment when you see/feel the connection to a reader. What are the things that you must get from your writing? Who is there on the other side of the page and what do they need from you that you are willing to give?

There is nothing wrong with having one of your goals be publishing and making a living off of your writing, but remember these two things as you pursue that goal: editors buy the pieces that speak most clearly and distinctly to them, pieces where the clarity and the passion jumps off the page, and you cannot write those clear passionate pieces unless you feel that clarity and passion. Do that, follow Joseph Campbell’s advice and ‘pursue your bliss,’ and let it guide you to the success you seek. For all those times when the rejection slips come and it’s hard to summon up the courage to send your piece out again, remember that the most successful writers have been turned down dozens, often hundreds of times before their work ‘hit,’ and also remember, as has been said by many better than me: it is better to write for yourself and have no market, than to write for the market and have no self. Be brave. Make your decisions, and then live them.
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