(See notes about the upcoming FREE download at the end of this post)
For several days, every time I think about writing, I’m haunted by an image from many years ago: my father, who died when I was a young child, picking through a pile of discarded parts at the city dump outside my home town. It’s only the flash of an image, like a still photograph - his smile, his hand reaching for a curved piece of metal - a bicycle bumper - the collar of his jacket, the twinkle in his eye. My parents couldn’t afford bicycles for all six of us kids, so he found parts others didn’t want,
When I see that image of my father, the bent bumper frame in his hand, it is not those feelings of freedom I feel. It is, more than anything, a sense of understanding - a vision of another human being motivated in ways I know. I am, in that flash of a moment, in the presence of a peer - a parent, doing what it takes to find a way to give his child something good, something that opens up childhood in the right ways.
What makes that image so essential is connection. A connection, a deep understanding of a person who, for most of my young life, I had believed was wholly beyond my capacity to understand.
“There are days,” a fictional character once said*, “when we are simply nowhere.”
Every writer knows that feeling. In point of fact, in the writing of this blog, I have said it to myself (well, said, “I am nowhere”) half a dozen times. In recent months, I think most of the country knows this feeling - events spiraling out of control, beyond our ability to affect them, leaving us feeling impotent, frustrated -- nowhere. It is the national disease of our time, and one that writers are intimately familiar with.
What strikes me as I think of this is that, in order to truly leave that feeling, that emotional/psychological trap behind, you must actively choose to be somewhere. You cannot just wait for events to unfold and hope for the best, you cannot be passive, just as writers (the real ones) know they cannot just wait for “inspiration.” To be passive is to surrender. Writers know this - they know they must power through that fiction known as “writer’s block” to find the words hiding behind their fear. Athletes know it -- they know they must power through that very real phenomenon known as “the wall” to get to their best performance. You must be somewhere. You must take a stand, write the words, run the miles, and stand up.
Here’s where I stand, here is the ‘somewhere’ that I am: I stand with Standing Rock, who are protecting their lands and the water that all of us must have from the inevitable (yes, it is inevitable) poisoning that would result if the oil companies win. I stand with Black Lives Matter, because to stand against them would, in my view, be simply inhuman. I stand with my brothers and sisters of Asian, Latina, Middle Eastern, African, and Native American heritage who are not asking for special treatment, but only that their lives be lived with equal safety and opportunity as their Caucasian fellows. I stand with the LGBQT community, because having the freedom to choose how we identify ourselves and who we love is essential to the very nature of a democracy. I stand with my sisters and brothers who practice the peaceful religion of Islam, because we were founded not as a Christian nation, but as a nation of religious freedom. And, I stand, without hesitation, without question, and in the face of my own very real fears, against all those who would oppose equality, who would oppose justice, who would promote fear and hatred.

For him, in that moment, no dis-empowerment existed, no frustration, no fear over the rampant evil in our world. He lived a life of connection and clear, solid principles, and he practiced that according to his gifts - his gift of an extraordinary skill at fatherhood, of natural and beautiful connection to others in his life, of seeing them all as equals, including the clients of his business that he stood up for that day. He lived according to his gifts, and never wavered in his belief in what was right.
It is that lesson I put forward for my writer friends, my activist friends, my friends of both Democrat and Republican persuasion (I am, myself, an Independent and a centrist, and have always been, defining what both of those mean on my own terms). Live according to your gifts. I do not have the power, nor the skills, to impact change in all of those things I stand for. I have no skill (and want none) at politics or community organizing or revolution. What I do have gifts for are the written word, persuasion, and teaching. I am not a particularly brave person, and I have real fears about what these stands could mean for me. I have been called brave, but I have never felt brave. During the first Gulf War, when I practiced Islamic covering for many months in support of Muslim women in our community, I felt fear regularly, but took it as an opportunity to teach. When I have stood up to Union practices I opposed, or unfair practices by a Homeowner’s association, or destructive policies at the school where I teach, people called me brave, and I was afraid. I don’t know - and likely never will - what impact any of those actions had on the long term. I do know that I was frequently thanked by others in those battles for giving voice to their opinions. I work with words - it’s what I do.
It is what all writers do, whether reeling under the weight of writer’s block, or spending hours at the keyboard with words flowing. The things for which we stand come out in the words, whether through fictional characters dialogue and actions, or nonfiction essays. Be sure, as you write them, that you honor those people in your lives like my father - standing in the dump, holding what treasures you have, and using them to make life better.
NOTE: This is not a political blog, and this post does NOT signal a move away from that, but sometimes there are things that just have to be said.
* the "fictional character" was Sam Seaborn in an episode of "West Wing"
** a committee which some recent leaders have suggested, horrifically, that we need to re-establish
FINALLY: A note of apology to those awaiting the promised free download of a GuideSheet for Writing Groups. Due to copyright issues, the free download and the full-length book (which will be available in paperback and e-book on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble sites) must be posted at the same time. The delay is due to being sure all permissions are in place. While verbal permissions have been received, we are awaiting the formal permissions before posting, which should be soon.
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