This is not a political post. I don’t DO political posts - this is about the writing mind, the way we think, what we should and should not be doing with our thoughts as a writer, as a person.
A while back, I started noticing social media posts about Kim Davis, so I investigated. My initial response was revulsion, but I didn’t post anything about that. Heaved a heavy sigh and then went on with my life. Then, I saw the following post from my nephew:
“If Davis believes the government’s definition of marriage is fundamentally immoral and contrary to her
religious convictions, she should remove herself from the state’s machinery of marriage. That she has every right to do. What she does not have the right to do, however, is serve as a government official and fail to fulfill the obligations that come with that office.” He was quoting an opinion written by attorney Jonathan H. Adler in the Washington Post.
When it comes to political matters, my nephew and I disagree on most everything, but it’s a congenial disagreement. I like him, I like his sharp mind, I like seeing the other side of my ideas put intelligently. And I loved that we agreed on this.
Those thoughts have nagged at the back of my mind for many days now, and here’s why.
When I see social media posts about what’s going on with Ms. Davis, they are for the most part (I’d say over 90%) insulting. People have posted about her marriages, her looks, her overweight, made a joke of her religion and of herself. And that, to me, is the problem.
Over and over, on social media, I see friends on both sides of the political spectrum (because I actually HAVE friends on both sides of the political spectrum) posting jibes and evil-stereotypes about anyone and everyone they perceive to be on the opposite side - Democrats about Republicans, Republicans about Democrats, right about left, left about right, and on and on.

What passes for intelligent debate on our social media is an insult to thinking people. It’s an insult to writers - it is part of the reason there is so much incredibly bad writing out there - people are writing - as so many on social media are doing - for the lowest common denominator. When we believe that intelligent public debate is well portrayed by snide memes about the other side, we FORCE writers (or at least those who need to make a living at it) to write one-sided stories, uni-dimensional characters, and simplistic themes. I’m not going there.
And trust me, if you can’t have an intelligent debate with those on the opposite side, do not risk bringing up any of these issues with this Irish woman. I’ll be too busy trying to write something that matters.
EXACTLY!!!!! I'm a BIG fan of the memes out there that talk about lifting up what you believe in, supporting what moves you, Building up what you love, NOT tearing down what you disagree with, insulting those who disagree with you, and denigrating anything that isn't yours.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher, what disturbs me the most about these memes is the simplistic thinking it reveals. There ARE an awful lot of positive memes, often followed by negative comments about someone/something. So disheartening for a teacher, for a thinking person! Hence, the rant!