Author, actor, producer, teacher and ne'er do well, Ms. McKenzie has taught over 100 courses in creative writing, technical writing, and essay writing. As a teacher, she focuses on helping each student to find their voice. As a writer, she focuses on keeping her own voice as authentic as possible. She has "traditionally" published one novel, two text books and one non-fiction book, and multiple essays, articles, and poetry. Recently, she has self-published three more novels and two more non-fiction books.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


From their Facebook Page:

The Actors Table of Eugene​ and Found Space Theatre​ are holding a contest for writers.  In June of 2016 we'll be staging a special show:  An Homage To Joss Whedon, and we are seeking "fan fiction" pieces written by local/NW writers (and others!) to stage at the event.  
Works should be written in standard script format (guidelines to be posted here soon) and submitted to Found_Space_Theater@hotmail.com with the subject line:  "Whedon Show submission."  All documents should be in either .doc, .docx, or .pdf format.
 Because our judges will be doing a LOT of reading, ranking, and rating, there is a $5 entry/reading fee.  Within the week, we will have a button up on our website to allow you to pay with credit card and/or PayPal.
Pieces should be written to be performed with minimal staging, props, etc.   Monologues should be from 2-5 minutes long, and scenes from 4-8 minutes long.   Works can be based on any of Mr. Whedon's works, including, but  not limited to:  Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dollhouse, Doctor Horrible, the Avengers, etc.  Particularly interested in pieces that cross over - i.e., Buffy meets Captain Mal,  and/or pieces that explore a character in a different setting (i.e., an aged Captain Mal, or Buffy as a housewife).
Winners will have their pieces performed on The Actors' Table stage, and be able to attend auditions. Further details of the contest will be posted in a "Guidelines" document soon.
Deadline for submissions:   January 5th, 2016.  Early submissions encouraged!
Please SHARE this forward, INVITE anyone/everyone, and particularly any WRITERS you know!
Not really a blog "post,"  but I'm involved with this organization and think this contest will be a really exciting (and pretty unique) opportunity for a lot of writers!
Check out their contest page on Facebook at CONTEST: An Homage to Joss Whedon

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